Thursday, July 16, 2015

Travel Special: Be Careful What You Buy!

The promised Travel Special post is here!

Place: Washington, D.C. (United States of America)

For those who don't know, I took a trip via train to Washington, D.C. about two weeks ago. I live in California, the West Coast. Washington, D.C. is on the East Coast. So basically I travelled all the way across the country, a whopping 2,794 miles! Thank you, Amtrak! (Just maybe make the top bunk a little lower next time, so a person as short as me can actually sit up in it.) 

Unfortunately the amount of animals I saw was very little, because the loud train probably scared all the animals away. Then, once I stepped off the train into Washington DC, the city had been turned so modern there was only the occasional squirrel or bird to look at. Oh yeah, and also the mosquitoes. Our nation's capital is definitely not missing out in mosquitoes. (My bites are still visible and itchy!)

So I have decided to share with you guys something else.

Upon walking down a regular street in a neighboring little town, I saw a poster taped to a gift shop window that caught my eye. Here it is:

In the picture, you can see what seems like a baggage claim in an airport....but instead of luggage, it is packed with dead animals. What?????

This is actually a kind of creepy and depressing way to show that animals are endangered...but that's exactly what we should be aware of. Sometimes, we as humans feel somehow "superior" to other animals and don't think twice before we acquire possessions we ask for. We get what we want, but the animals have to pay the price.

Here is an excellent example: ivory. There are so many ivory products out there! On Craiglist, in jewelry stores, etc. Uncle Bob comes home and you set up some tea and bread for him on the ivory coffee table. At least one majestic elephant from Asia or Africa had to die for that. An elephant for a ivory coffee table. Think about how many people have ivory coffee tables in the world. Probably a 100,000 or much, much more! This means that at least 100,000 elephants were slaughtered just so Uncle Bob has a nice coffee table for him to drink tea at.

Or think about the leopard print coats you buy. How many leopards had to die at the hand of a pistol for that to happen?

So, for the sake of all the animals that could die in exchange for a few dollar bills, be careful of what you buy. 
Do you want to help end the extinction of elephants in Tanzania and beyond? Don't worry, you don't have to pay. Wildlife Conservation Society claims that even though the sale of ivory is banned, Craigslist is not enforcing the rule. Thousands of ivory products are posted and sold on Craigslist each day. With just a click of a mouse, you could save an elephant's life. Follow the instructions below (thank you to Wildlife Conservation Society who sent this email to me) and spread the knowledge of "animal-made" souvenirs!

Follow this link for more information on ivory sales:

Wildlife Conservation Society: (be sure to check them out for more ways to help!)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for raising the awareness on this. It's unfortunate to see this things going on. With people's help like you, I believe we will be in a better position in the near future. I will take your information, spread out by words, and pay more attention on web sites like craigslist. Thank you again!
