Sunday, February 14, 2016

Introducing the February-March Theme!

Hello everyone! I apologize for the long silence and not updating for a long time--however, I am back with the February-March theme ready to share with you all! I am very excited for this month's theme, and hopefully I will be able to post something every one to two weeks now. Without further ado, let me introduce WeForWidlife's next theme...

Courtesy: Arctic & Antarctic Collection

~Arctic & Antarctic~

Over the course of the next few weeks or months, I will be discussing the animals of the Arctic and Antarctic. Call it the North and South Pole if you want--I like both names :) I will pick a few animals from each list to write about:

Arctic Tundra

  • Polar bear
  • Arctic fox
  • Arctic hare
  • Narwhal
  • Snowy Owl
  • Caribou/Reindeer
  • Puffins (Atlantic)
  • Harp seal


  • Penguins (different subspecies)
  • Whales (different subspecies)
  • Seals (different subspecies)
  • Orca (also known as Killer Whale)
  • Krill
Have an animal in mind but don't see it on this list? Don't worry! Just email me here or go to the Contact tab to request your animal.
If you are confused to which area the "Arctic Tundra" and "Antarctic" covers, let me clear that up for you. When I refer to the Arctic Tundra, I will always mean the northern portion of North America, Europe, Asia, and all other continents (that I forgot to list) in the Northern hemisphere close to the North pole. Here is a visual to help:

Courtesy: Athropolis

All the land within the circle (that is not blurred out) is the "Arctic" area I will be covering. The Antarctic, on the other hand, is a bit different. Antarctica is much larger, so all the animals I'm covering from Antarctica will only be from the continent (with the exception of marine animals that annually migrate to different locations). Again, a visual to help:

Courtesy: World Sites Atlas
The Antarctic animals I will be blogging about will come from only Antarctica--except for the marine animals, such as whales, which annually migrate to other places.

I am excited to announce the third WeForWildlife theme--I hope you all have lots of fun reading about these beautiful creatures. I know I will!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

I know this post is shorter than usual, but guess what? Tomorrow, February 15, is President's Day, a holiday! That means no school for me, my sibling, my friends, or anyone that is still in school! That also means I have a whole entire day to work on the first post about animals of the Arctic/Antarctic theme! Yippee! I'm going to try to put up a post by tomorrow night, Pacific Time! 

I can't wait to see you next time,

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